SX US RD13 Houston (triple Crown)

15 sujets de 166 à 180 (sur un total de 220)
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  • #1601531
      dmr4230 a écrit :
      gator a écrit :

      Cucul concon gnangnan, Ouin-ouin la pleurniche, un vrai régal…

      Je ne l’ai pas vu pleurnicher une seule fois cette saison. Note que je ne vis pas avec lui.
      Il s’est pris des pénalités, s’est fait sortir de la piste par son coéquipier…. Il est toujours resté très sobre.
      L’an dernier quand le 3 s’est fait bloquer, on l’a entendu pendant des jours…..

      argument contre le contre-argument de l’argument…


        Très sobre. Bon, il n’est pas improbable que des noms d’oiseaux aient pu être pensés dans le casque du 25 pendant l’action et la poursuite qui a suivi. Mais après la course, le comportement est exemplaire.


          sûrement qu’il a dû fumer soul’casque. Y a du avoir debriefing de katoche, avant qu’un des deux n’ouvrent la bouche.

            dmr4230 a écrit :

            Très sobre. Bon, il n’est pas improbable que des noms d’oiseaux aient pu être pensés dans le casque du 25 pendant l’action et la poursuite qui a suivi. Mais après la course, le comportement est exemplaire.

            Et très pro, très corporate….

            Il mérite bien ce titre.


              Tu dis ça au hasard ?

                dmr4230 a écrit :

                Tu dis ça au hasard ?

                Non, c’est un souhait, et puis ce n’est pas du tout irréalisable.


                  C bien vrai, Cooper Webb mérite très largement ce titre!



                    Lu sur Vital:”Let’s not forget these guys are more than just teammates, and that they train together at the Baker Factory. There is no way they can train together during the week after this battle. Why on earth would Musquin keep showing Webb how to go fast? Musquin is constantly the bridesmaid and if he doesn’t get it done this year, he probably won’t ever win a 450 Supercross Championship. Webb is younger and will likely have a couple more opportunities. If I was Musquin, I would tell Aldon Baker that Webb can’t ride with me anymore. I would go as far as to tell Aldon and KTM I would break his leg if he rides with me. Musquin needs to be selfish right now, and if the roles were reversed, I have no doubt Webb would kick Musquin out of the program. It’s nothing personal, but being in a position to win a Supercross Championship isn’t an opportunity presented every year.”

                    Bien sur il y a les 17 points mais depuis 3 courses notre MM national est bien le plus rapide en piste ,ca doit gamberger serieux dans la tete de Webb…

                    A Musquin d’etre opportuniste,quitte a etre un peu plus rugueux ,son teammate lui a montré le chemin…

                      hurricanana a écrit :

                      Lu sur Vital:”Let’s not forget these guys are more than just teammates, and that they train together at the Baker Factory. There is no way they can train together during the week after this battle. Why on earth would Musquin keep showing Webb how to go fast? Musquin is constantly the bridesmaid and if he doesn’t get it done this year, he probably won’t ever win a 450 Supercross Championship. Webb is younger and will likely have a couple more opportunities. If I was Musquin, I would tell Aldon Baker that Webb can’t ride with me anymore. I would go as far as to tell Aldon and KTM I would break his leg if he rides with me. Musquin needs to be selfish right now, and if the roles were reversed, I have no doubt Webb would kick Musquin out of the program. It’s nothing personal, but being in a position to win a Supercross Championship isn’t an opportunity presented every year.”
                      Bien sur il y a les 17 points mais depuis 3 courses notre MM national est bien le plus rapide en piste ,ca doit gamberger serieux dans la tete de Webb…
                      A Musquin d’etre opportuniste,quitte a etre un peu plus rugueux ,son teammate lui a montré le chemin…

                      J’ai quand même peur que ce soit un peu trop tard.

                      Il aurait dû être “selfish” bien plus tôt.

                        random a écrit :
                        dmr4230 a écrit :

                        Tu dis ça au hasard ?

                        Non, c’est un souhait, et puis ce n’est pas du tout irréalisable.

                        Et bien c’est aussi ce que j’aimerai voir.

                        Sinon je trouvais amusant de demander à Random s’il parlait au hasard 😉

                          hurricanana a écrit :

                          Lu sur Vital…

                          Comme toutes les semaines, Cooksey tartine de la m…

                          Rarement vu une chronique d’une aussi effarante et constante médiocrité sur un site pro.

                          Titres racoleurs et putassiers, contenus d’une vacuité abyssale frisant régulièrement avec le nawak total, du bon boulot.

                          Rendez nous Ganjaman!!!


                            Quand même plus intéressant de lire Matthes…

                            “I know you people are talking about the Marvin Musquin and Cooper Webb stuff that happened in the first race of the night. I get it, they’re teammates, they’re one and two in points, and they’re training partners, so the potential for drama is there. We hadn’t seen much happen all year, but that all changed in Houston. In the press conference, Coop admitted that his emotions got the best of him.

                            It was Musquin that, in my opinion, “started” the whole thing by diving to the inside of Webb which sparked Webb’s emotions he spoke about in the PC. To me, this is supercross. There’s a 40-year history of teammates going for championships, a history of aggressive, but fair racing, and neither Musquin or Webb are doing anything that we haven’t seen before. Weege and JT seem to think it wasn’t smart of Webb, but to me, they were normal SX moves that resulted in Webb pushing Marv out of the way. This isn’t a team sport, right? You’re allowed to be aggressive and make passes, right? 

                            [Editor’s note: I didn’t say the move wasn’t smart, that was JT. I think the moves were fine, but I think Marvin and KTM won’t. That’s their opinion, not mine. — Weigandt]

                            The move that Marv pulled on Tomac last year in Foxborough? Yeah, not cool. Nor was Tyler Bowers “pass” on Justin Barcia a few weeks ago. There are many examples of t-bones and slams that aren’t cool and especially aren’t cool between teammates but what I saw in Houston was good, aggressive, clean racing. There’s a lot at stake here for both guys and they both went for it at different times.

                            Musquin came out the loser in these situations and honestly, outside of Foxborough when he dirtied Tomac, I can’t think of too many situations where Marv has come out ahead. As one racer told me yesterday, you don’t think Webb knows that Musquin is sort of easy to push around on the track? 

                            I asked a couple of top racers in the sport about the moves that Marv did to Webb and then Webb did to Marv and both of them had no issues with anything that happened. One of them remarked that it doesn’t take much to piss Webb off but he’s been like that his entire career (I came down pretty hard on Coop when he was in the 250 class and losing his mind on other guys in practice that accidently got in his way on a heater) and that Marv has to know that. Another remarked, and I quote, “they’re all p***ies now,” which made me laugh out loud.

                            I got another text from a 1980s guy that was pretty damn good. He told me he couldn’t believe anyone would ever have a problem with anything either guy did. Okay, so these racers all agreed with me, why the outrage?

                            What Aldon Baker has to do, or Ian Harrison has to do, is tell both guys that they can race each other hard but don’t do anything dumb. Let’s keep the “super” in supercross, yeah? What’s super about this racing stuff is the aggression, the hard passes, and the fact it’s not a team sport.

                            So everyone calm down, mmmk? “


                              Le risque est aussi que KTM donne  des consignes pour éviter que Tomac rafle le titre !

                              donc qu’ils se chatouillent ok mais si jamais ils tombent les 2 … aïe aïe 

                                dmr4230 a écrit :

                                Très sobre. Bon, il n’est pas improbable que des noms d’oiseaux aient pu être pensés dans le casque du 25 pendant l’action et la poursuite qui a suivi. Mais après la course, le comportement est exemplaire.

                                Minouchet, il est grave dèg 2 la life.



                                  Ah c’est sur que la manoeuvre de Webb est doublement bien jouée. Elle lui a assurée la victoire overall et lui a permis de faire un grand pas vers le titre. Il a bien choisi son moment pour déclarer la geurre à son coéquipier et rival.

                                  Pour tout dire, je serais assez heureux de voir Marvin lui faire la même avec les mêmes conséquences.

                                15 sujets de 166 à 180 (sur un total de 220)
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