MXDN 2018 – REDBUD MX – PRONOSTIC ET COMPOSITION – Toute l’actualité Cross en France et US Forums Discussion générale MXDN 2018 – REDBUD MX – PRONOSTIC ET COMPOSITION

15 sujets de 2,716 à 2,730 (sur un total de 2,797)
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  • #1584776
      gator a écrit :

      Qui ça? Musqui? Musquoi?

        Non , non , c’est Musquin , par contre  Benzema et Rabiot ???? J’vois pas ! 


        ” Vlanderen a également annoncé sur sa page FB que l’année prochaine, il partira avec l’équipe nationale hollandaise pour l’or à Assen. On est prévenus ! ” 

        Les ricains aussi nous avaient prévenus !! Et puis , Coldenoff va t-il refaire la course de sa vie , Jeffrey va t-il faire une saison complète sans se casser 2 ou 3 os ?? Le prochain MXDN est loin et le suspense est déja au taquet ! 🙂

          phiphix a écrit :
          lpac007 a écrit :

          Je pense pas qu’il y a un plan B pour la mob..
          Bien à vous tous.

          seconde moto.

          Et bien non….

          Bien à vous tous.


            L’équipe ricainne l’an prochain ? Sanayei, Weltin et Covington. Que des pilotes qui roulent ou qui on rouler en europe. D’ailleur Weltin Marshall repart en europe MX2 tout comme Furlotti, ca va pas etre simple d’etre champion d’europe MX2 la saison prochaine.

              lafracasse a écrit :

              L’équipe ricainne l’an prochain ? Sanayei, Weltin et Covington. Que des pilotes qui roulent ou qui on rouler en europe. D’ailleur Weltin Marshall repart en europe MX2 tout comme Furlotti, ca va pas etre simple d’etre champion d’europe MX2 la saison prochaine.

              Je mettrais Osborne en tête de liste dans ce cas …


                Mollasson parle -plutôt honnêtement- des Nations…

                Marvin Musquin spent the weekend watching Team France get an unexpected victory at the Monster Energy Motocross of Nations. He didn’t know exactly how he should feel about that.

                “I could have been part of the team, I’m not gonna lie,” he explained, citing the call from the French Federation when Romain Febvre went down with an injury. “I couldn’t change my plans and get ready in time, unfortunately, and I’m definitely bummed about the whole thing. I watched the race and the conditions were so tough. I couldn’t believe watching the Americans suffer like that, in those conditions, and Kenny [Roczen] too, but I want to be honest and say what I think. People will tell me, “Hey this track is going to be sandy or muddy, but hey you’re from France and the GPs, you’re used to it.” I’m like “Yeah, but yes and no. I’ve been living in the U.S. now for eight years.” Here we practice supercross most of the year. It’s dry, it’s sunny, it’s hot, we only have a couple days in Florida where it rains, and we only practice outdoors for three months. And you have to start on a metal grid, the American riders never do that outdoors. There’s so many things. It might sound like excuses, but I just want to say what I see. Those guys had just raced a GP the weekend before, so they were on it. It was great to watch [Glenn] Coldenhoff and [Jeffrey] Herlings and [Antonio] Cairoli just having fun in those conditions. The others were not feeling as comfortable in those deep and soft conditions.”

                Does Marvin think he, too, might have struggled?

                “I think so, probably, yeah yeah,” he said. “We race when it’s hot and sunny. Those seemed like some crazy conditions.

                “To be honest I was amazed by Team France winning,” he continued. “But this is Motocross of Nations, it shows you how crazy this race is, you don’t need to win motos, because Team France hasn’t won motos in four years, I guess. Yeah you just need to be consistent, this year Team Holland was amazing, but yeah all three riders weren’t present.”


                      Honnêtement, à Lommel, il n’avait pas été ridicule…

                      Driv one SX
                        gator a écrit :

                        Honnêtement, à Lommel, il n’avait pas été ridicule…

                        Quand même un peu en dessous du panneau publicitaire juste devant moi PTDR que j’était :-)))

                        Driv one SX
                          gator a écrit :

                          Mollasson parle -plutôt honnêtement- des Nations…

                          Marvin Musquin spent the weekend watching Team France get an unexpected victory at the Monster Energy Motocross of Nations. He didn’t know exactly how he should feel about that.
                          “I could have been part of the team, I’m not gonna lie,” he explained, citing the call from the French Federation when Romain Febvre went down with an injury. “I couldn’t change my plans and get ready in time, unfortunately, and I’m definitely bummed about the whole thing. I watched the race and the conditions were so tough. I couldn’t believe watching the Americans suffer like that, in those conditions, and Kenny [Roczen] too, but I want to be honest and say what I think. People will tell me, “Hey this track is going to be sandy or muddy, but hey you’re from France and the GPs, you’re used to it.” I’m like “Yeah, but yes and no. I’ve been living in the U.S. now for eight years.” Here we practice supercross most of the year. It’s dry, it’s sunny, it’s hot, we only have a couple days in Florida where it rains, and we only practice outdoors for three months. And you have to start on a metal grid, the American riders never do that outdoors. There’s so many things. It might sound like excuses, but I just want to say what I see. Those guys had just raced a GP the weekend before, so they were on it. It was great to watch [Glenn] Coldenhoff and [Jeffrey] Herlings and [Antonio] Cairoli just having fun in those conditions. The others were not feeling as comfortable in those deep and soft conditions.”
                          Does Marvin think he, too, might have struggled?
                          “I think so, probably, yeah yeah,” he said. “We race when it’s hot and sunny. Those seemed like some crazy conditions.
                          “To be honest I was amazed by Team France winning,” he continued. “But this is Motocross of Nations, it shows you how crazy this race is, you don’t need to win motos, because Team France hasn’t won motos in four years, I guess. Yeah you just need to be consistent, this year Team Holland was amazing, but yeah all three riders weren’t present.”

                          KESKIDI ??? :-)))

                          the mx addict
                            gator a écrit :

                            Team France hasn’t won motos in four years, I guess.

                            Fatigué, le Marvin.

                            Febvre (toujours lui!) a évidemment remporté des manches en 2015 à Ernée, et en 2016 à Maggiora.


                              Boah, faut bien qu’il conserve un peu de mauvaise foi…



                                J’ai lu l’interview de RDC, il n’a pas perdu son sens de l’humour quand on lui demande si ce n’est pas jeter de l’argent par les fenêtres que d’envoyer un team USA à Assen en 2019.
                                Sinon, l’explication qui ressort le plus souvent c’est qu’ils sont tellement absorbés par le SX qu’ils en négligent le MX.
                                Cela parait logique, et puis RDC le dit lui même.
                                Mais je me souviens que pendant les très longues périodes de domination US en MX, j’ai souvent lu que justement le SX était un avantage qui leur permettait d’être meilleurs que les pauvres euros qui ne savaient pas passer une double. J’avais lu ça dans MotoVerte par exemple.
                                Avant le SX était leur force pour le MX, maintenant c’est leur faiblesse. C’est très contradictoire mais pourquoi pas.


                                  Le web a tout changé aux secrets du SX…

                                  Doit y avoir des mômes de 8 ans en Estonie qui scrubbent comme Stewart après l’avoir maté 28312 fois sur Youtube…

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