Pluie a San Francisco

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  • #478615
    top gun

      It looks like the fourth round of the Amp’d Mobile AMA Supercross Series at the roofless SBC Park is going to be a wet one. Dark clouds hang over the San Francisco area and the forecast isn’t a good one for racing. Although it hasn’t rained hard yet today, there is a light sprinkle and rain is predicted for later on this afternoon. The good news is that the track has been covered (and still is as of 12 p.m.) since Thursday, but word has it that the plastic tarps that are protecting the track from the moisture won’t be pulled off until 5 p.m., meaning the riders will have had very little track time when tonight’s program gets underway around 7 p.m, ala Anaheim I last year.

      Actuellement, il pleut un petit peu. Ca va etre boueux. Dommage.

      top gun

        Il pleut de plus en plus… Il va falloir des palmes ce soir. Too bad…


          sa commence les essais a l’instant a san francisco

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