Peter Chamberlain Trophy

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  • #504302
    le sage

      Ici, tout le monde le connait ce trophée, on en parle tous les ans. Mais Peter Chamberlain, c’est qui ? J’ai cherché mais rien trouvé. Quelqu’un sait ?

        At the end of August 1949 it was the turn of Great Britain to host the event at Brands Hatch. Great
        Britain won the competition for the second time, thus keeping the Cup indefinitely. The ACU then
        donated another Cup for the competition’s winning team. The Vice-President of the FIM
        International Sporting Commission Peter Chamberlain had always been a strong supporter of
        Motocross, and worked a great deal on behalf of the national teams’ competition. After he passed
        away in 1954, the cup was officially named after him.
        le sage

          Merci 321, comme ça c’est clair.

          Parfois le forum part dans tous les sens mais d’autres fois, il permet de bonnes choses…

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