Paris Match ?

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  • #449958
    top gun

      Apres l’etonnante video de David voici la surprenante histoire de son beau-pere, the professor, et pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l’anglais, desole.

      Won’t Build This Year’s Track 2/17/2006

      Gary Bailey, the man who has built the Daytona Supercross track since 1971 and an AMA Hall of Famer, was arrested in Florida this week after being charged with exposing himself to customers, including a child, at a Wendy’s restaurant in Ormond Beach, Florida, according to a report in the Daytona Beach News Journal today.

      According to police reports, Bailey, 62, was sitting at a booth just before 8 p.m. on February 10 attempting to make eye contact with a 71-year-old female customer who was dining with her husband. She later saw him masturbating with his shorts unzipped after moving from her seat as she was leaving the restaurant, the report says.

      The Holly Hill woman confronted Bailey about his actions and had the restaurant manager contact police. Bailey then left the scene and was later stopped by police and arrested.

      He has been charged with a misdemeanor for lewd and lascivious conduct, and a felony for lewd and lascivious conduct in the presence of a five-year old. Bailey posted $10,000 bail and was released on Sunday, according to an officer at the Volusia County Branch Jail.

      According to sources, Bailey will not be building this year’s Daytona Supercross track.

      Racer X Illustrated’s website reported talking to Bailey who told them: “It was false allegations by a lady. What it looks like it is – what it says it is – it’s not. It’s not that,” he said, adding that things would be resolved in due time. He had been advised by his lawyer not to make further statements over what he referred to as “a nightmare.”


        “on choisit ses copains …pas sa famille”


          Résumé rapide,

          Gary Bailey, confondu et pris “en pleine action” si je puis m’exprimer ainsi pour outrage dans un restaurant sous la forme d’exhibitionnisme et masturbation en public devant des enfants et des adultes (71 ans pour les + agès..)


          Je me permets d’ajouter, Gary n’est pas David !

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