David Bailey Needs Our Support

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      Un tres grand champion avec d’enormes probleme de sante et bien sur un manque d’argent…

      David souffre d’une infection similaire que Christofer Reeves, qui tristement decedait l’annee passe. Il merite notre support.

      L’article est publie sur Transworldmx.com

      David Bailey Needs Our Support

      By Press Release

      Posted: 07.07.2006

      Dear friends in the motocross community,

      This letter is about David Bailey. Unfortunately, it is not a time to talk about how well David is doing at overcoming adversity. It is not a time to talk about how once again David has shown the unbelievable resolve to overcome recent significant physical setbacks. This is a letter to ask for help.

      Most of you know David’s history and dedication to the sport of motocross. You know of his great successes, and also of the great sacrifice that David paid, ultimately ending his career and confining him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

      Over the past twenty years, David has always lent a hand and done what he could to help other injured riders when possible. He is unaware that some of his closest friends and family have now reached the conclusion that his recent setbacks have simply escalated to the point of needing emergency financial assistance in an immediate fashion. David is in a very bad place as we type this. The Phrase “It’ll get worse, before it gets better” is definitely the case here. David has already undergone one surgery and is now in need of financial help for the next. Physically, he is broken and needs special medical attention immediately – which he cannot afford at this time.

      We are asking the motocross community to please pull together and help David. Time is of the essence, and the situation is very serious. We ask that you donate whatever you can afford as soon as possible to The Full Circle Foundation. This foundation helps athletes like David to get help when needed, and was founded by one of the Bailey’s good friends a few years ago. The Full Circle Foundation knows of and understands the very serious position that David is in, and they will be responsible for making sure your donation helps David directly.

      Those of us who know David personally understand that he does not feel comfortable asking people for anything, especially with the timing of what has happened recently with fellow riders Ernesto Fonseca and James Marshall. We are currently in the process of planning other benefits due to the fact that the amount of money needed is quite substantial. Since immediate medical attention is of the utmost importance, it is imperative that we begin fundraising immediately.

      Please Donate today:

      visit http://www.fullcirclefoundation.com and click on the “Donate Now” link at the bottom of the page, and then choose “Clinic Program” or

      Please mail all checks to:

      Full Circle Foundation Attn: David Bailey Fund 3585 Keefer Road Chico, CA 95973

      Full Circle Foundation is a 501c(3) tax-deductible foundation. (All letters will be forwarded to David and a tax-deductible receipt will be mailed to you for all checks sent)

      Before you finish this letter and decide to perhaps do something tomorrow or next week, please understand that we would never ask for help for a person like David Bailey without completely understanding how dire the situation has become.


      Friends of David Bailey

      Mark Edwards

      Todd Jacobs

      Rick James (father of Ricky James)

      Don Flaner (president – Full Circle Foundation)

      Shawn DeCloedt

      Donn Maeda (editor – Transworld MX)

      Davey Coombs (editor – Racer X)

      Ryan Hughes

      Johnny O’Mara

      James Stewart

      Dan Harvell (Cahuilla Creek MX)

      Johnny Leach

      Cliff White (American Honda)

      Bob Babbitt (Challenged Athletes Foundation/Competitor Magazine)

      David Evans (MX Edge)

      Ludovic Boinnard (One Industries)

      Marc Blanchard (One Industries)

      Danny Dobey (One Industries)

      David Izer (DMXS Radio)

      Kevin Kelly (DMXS Radio)

      Please read the statement below from Don Flaner, president of Full Circle Foundation, regarding David’s medical situation.

      David has developed a very dangerous pressure sore that has become so deep that it has become life threatening. Insurance is only taking care of part of the medical costs and David now requires much needed medical attention that goes beyond insurance. As many of you know David is the Spokesperson for Full Circle Foundation and FCF is very involved with the Reeve-Irvine Center. We were very fortunate to have had time with Christopher Reeve. Unfortunately for all of us, and the reason for our concern, is that Christopher died from this same type of infection that David now has, and that has now made this extremely important.

      I am very proud to have David as a friend and incredibly grateful for all of the work he has done for Full Circle Foundation, especially the nights he has sat up answering letters and emails consoling others that have been injured. His continued dedication to our sport is incredible, and his desire to help others is way beyond that of a mere mortal. It is now payback time.

      Don Flaner

      President Full Circle Foundation

      the mx addict

        J’ai bien peur que oui…



          Oui martin, mauvaise limonade …

          Putain, on passe notre temps à nous plaindre et baver devant les USA, mais franchement, je ne signerai jamais pour un système de santé à l’américaine !

          Tu payes tu guéris

          Tu peux pas payer tu meurs

          Ca fait froid dans le dos, le culte du business à tout crin …

          top gun

            Il est encore chanceux que son assurance ne l’ai pas mis a la porte apres cette video, d’ ailleurs Honda US ne l’a probablement jamais contacte apres cela. Une armee d’avocats chez Honda US ont du visionner cette video. Je ne critique pas Bailey mais aux US, on ne plaisante pas avec les assurances…

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