Beachrace Bibione/Italy

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  • #411250

      domenica 2 aprile 2006

      2006 Edition of Bibione Enduro – 16th edition

      After a six-month pause, Bibione turns again its beach into the already

      legendary arena that sees as protagonists 150 riders, ready to challenge

      one another with their cross-country motorcycles. The 2006 Edition of

      Bibione Enduro starts anew on Sunday, April the 2nd, at 10.30 in the

      morning in the sandy shore opposite the Zenith square.

      The form of the competition, hallowed by now, is the same: teams made up

      by three riders, who take turns during the 4 kilometers long race that,

      lasting five hours, is divided into two rounds, each of two hours and a

      half. Experience, resistance and willpower play the lord and master…

      One thing is certain: the team that holds the record is always the same;

      Muller, Tishart and Fantin, who defend the colors of the flag of the

      Bibione Motoclub, magnify the mythical “number 1” that seemingly doesn’t

      want to leave this well-working together team!

      Would you like to try to snatch victory, or would you like to

      partecipate just to have some fun? Whatever your wish is, even as a

      simple spectator, remember that on Sunday, April the 2nd, you will have the chance to do it.

      We’ll be there, waiting for you!

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