RIP Andrew Mac Farlane

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  • #1482938
    mx normandie

      RIP 🙁

      the mx addict



          putain de merde,je viens de voir cette terrible nouvelle,sa me soule,un pilote que j’aimais bien qui part,RIP andrew!!!


            Enormement triste d’apprendre cette triste nouvelle….33 ans…une petite famille..le jeu en vaut il la chandelle quant on a tout comme santé, une femme des enfants…..

            Notre sport va t’il etre maintenant consideré le sport comme le plus violent, le plus dangereux et avec le plus gros taux de mortalité…..???

            A Valkenswaard les mec du MX2 j’ai ete effraye de voir a quel point tout ces mecs doivent etre a la limite de leurs limites pour etre competitifs et a la vitesse qu’ils ont capable d’avoir ds des zones peut probables..*

            Je n’accuse n’ai pas la solution…..1 c’etait deja trop mais notre sport a vu disparaitre 3 pilotes recemment et ceci est aussi douloureux que ca doit nous faire vraiment reflechir….



              Alors là, on reste sans voix ; ce pilote si sympa qui était venu demander l’autorisation pour rouler en semaine sur notre circuit, avec un geste gentil pour le président en donnant sa tenue de pilote.

              Effondré, désolant…

              Courage à toute sa famille…

              Pour ma part, cela fout les boules, car mon fils roule en Minivert cela n’a rien de rassurant !!!




                toutes mes condoleances à  sa famille et ses proches.


                  sincères condoléences à la famille et aux proches.

                  RIP Andrew


                    Adieu l’ami !! merci d’avoir fait brillé notre sport !!!


                      Foutue nouvelle apprise aujourd’hui, encore un pilote qui s’en va en pratiquant le motocross… Triste… une vraie série noire…

                      Condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches


                      RIP Andrew Mac


                        rip andrew …



                          les mauvaises nouvelles de ce genre se succèdent à grande vitesse…


                            RIP andrew bon courage a la famille 


                              R.E.P …….. 🙁


                                Motorbike returned to owner

                                Nikkii Joyce [[pipe]] 20th October 2010

                                THERE was no mistaking the immortal number seven emblazoned on a motorbike recovered at Cooroibah last Thursday – even though thieves had removed any trace of the name of the late motocross world champion Andrew McFarlane from the 2010 KTM 450SFX.

                                The brother of the former world number two, Cameron McFarlane, has had the bike returned to him two months after it was stolen from his Capalaba workshop.

                                The brightly coloured bike was estimated to be worth up to $18,000 at the time of the theft.

                                It had been used by champion rider McFarlane for just three hours prior to his tragic death during a practice lap at Victoria in May.

                                Brother Cameron said the bike was returned slightly worse for wear, blowing oil from the motor, and its tyres, chains and sprockets showing a distinct lack of care and attention.

                                “We never really expected to get it back so it’s a bonus to have it at all,” he said.

                                Two men have been arrested and charged in what was a joint effort by Sunshine Coast and Wynnum police, Operations Barnstormer and Ice Fox.

                                A 28-year-old Cooroibah man has been charged with drug offences, possession of tainted property and receiving stolen goods.

                                A 23-year-old Cleveland man was arrested on a charge of enter premises and committing an indictable offence.

                                He will appear in court on November 15.

                                Cameron said his brother’s famed motorbike will once again take centre stage at an in-store shrine at MX World.

                                “Those who stole it smashed their way in through the windows and smashed the deadbolts,” he said.

                                “If someone wants something badly enough nothing will stop them.

                                “They’ve cut his name from the stickers below the number seven but anyone in motocross knows the number seven as Andrew’s.”

                                The McFarlane family is battling on, with patriarch Ron the head mechanic for 2010 Australian Motocross pro lite champion PJ Larsen.

                                Larsen scored a win in the first round of the 2010 SuperX last weekend.


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