MX en Allemagne

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  • #579534

      Le grand Téfli a tout de même limité les dégâts, il sera là jusqu’au bout n’en doutons pas.

      Moi je n’ai aucun doute sur la question, GAZ TEFLI !!!


      allez Téfli

      tous avec toi !!


        n oublions pas : BRAVO MARCO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        the mx addict

          Ouais, bizarre, aucun message des p’tits suisses…

          C’est pourtant un évènement, là… Même Bill n’avait pas gagné de GP (ni de manche d’ailleurs) en MX3 l’an dernier…

          Suis pas sûr non plus que Dupasquier en ait gagné un en 125 à l’époque…Une manche, oui, mais un GP, il me semble pas…

          Alors, l’Helvêtie, on se réveille???

          the mx addict

            Quelques p’tites précisions sur les mésaventures rencontrées par Téfli:

            “With a clear holeshot, race 1 started accoring to plan for Sven. Only moments later unfortunatly he crashed and found himself picking up his bike in 40th positon. To his surprise he passed Yves Demaria who had crashed also as his frontwheel slipped in the chicane. On top of that a following rider smashed his bike into Yve´s causing damage to the subframe and handlebar wich kept Yves from a quick restart. Both JM-riders were in hot persuit of Ristori, Beggi and Oddenino, passing up to 4 riders per lap.At the checkered flag Sven squized out 11th and Yves a 17th position result. The loss of time due to the crashes was just too much.

            Sven an Yves where both pumped to the max to get a good result the second race. At the end of the first lap, Sven was in second position behind Honda mounted Martin Zerava with Yves in 5th position. Zerava kept Sven at bay until lap 12. Meanwhile Yves had worked his way up behind Sven when in lap 12 as they both passed Zerava in lap 13. Now the race was really on! Sven gave it all he got and managed to move away from Yves who had no intention to let that happen. At three laps before race-end Sven made a mistake and immediatly Yves moved in for the pass. In the following 3 round “clash of the titans” the spectators got their money´s worth as they witnessed top-MX racing ending with Yves pushing his frontwheel 0,51 sec. earlier over the line than Sven.

            “I stayed too long behind Zerava and let Yves sneek up on me” was Sven´s comment at the end of the race.”



              hé oui 1ère victoire en grand prix pour un suisse…bravo marc…

            6 sujets de 16 à 21 (sur un total de 21)
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