ITV christophe pourcel sur le Big USA

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  • #481552

      ITV de christophe pourcel réalisé par Lebig à ne manquer sous aucun pretexte !!!


        un podium final est possible

        the mx addict

          La "suite", par Motocross Action …


          MXA: How is testing going on the Yamaha YZ450F?

          Christophe: It has been really good. We tested all last week. The motor is perfect. We wanted something smooth for me, and we finally found a setting that we’re all very happy with. About the suspension, we’re still trying to do some testing this week to find the best setup for me.

          What’s it like working with MotoConcepts team manager David Vuillemin?

          Things have been going really really good. Going to this team was my choice, and I was talking to David a lot before I signed with MotoConcepts. I think that David can help me a lot on the track and on the bike. I’m really happy about that. It’s super exciting to be with this team.

          What were the reasons as to why you chose to sign with MotoConcepts?

          I was talking to DV [David Vuillemin], and the team seemed really good. I spoke with the boss from MotoConcepts, Mike Genova, and he was very nice to me. They made me a offer that was a good deal. They told me that I could choose my own gear and kind of have my own deal going. That was nice. I also wanted to ride for a smaller team.

          Why did you want to ride for a smaller team?

          I have to come back and race, and I wanted to have something small. That way I can focus more on trying to do my best. I think MotoConcepts can provide that atmosphere.

          Do you have a gear deal nailed down yet?

          You would have to talk to my agent, Russ [Stratton]. He’s in charge of all that. [Note: Pourcel hadn’t signed a gear contract as of Tuesday afternoon].

          Are you still testing here in California, or are you back home in Florida?

          I’m here in California. I’ll be staying out here testing until next month. Then I go back to Florida. I want to keep testing and working on the bike to find the best setup for me. Once we have everything good to go the team is going to ship bikes and stuff to my place in Florida.

          Would you say that the Yamaha YZ450F compliments your riding style?

          Yeah, we found something really good for me on the motor. I was really surprised with the performance of the bike the first time I tried it. That’s why I wanted to go with Yamaha. The motor is super smooth, and it was something that I was looking for.

          Thanks for your time, Christophe. See you on the line at Hangtown!

          No problem. Thank you.


            Avec des phrases pour le moins étonnantes, comme celle-ci "I think that David can help me a lot on the track and on the bike. I’m really happy about that.". T’as p’t’être raison.


              bonne chance CP pour le championnat

              Go CP!!!

              Go marvin!!!

              Vive les frenchies



                Ho l’autre……………………………………pour une fois qu’on avait de l’itw en français, voila t’y pas que le mxa, y vient nous casser le reve avec la langue de J’expire !



                  oui j’avoue si tu lis pas l’anglais c’est emmerdant pour comprendre la


                    En plus, maintenant, y’a aussi Roger !

                    Manque plus que DV1 en tant que conseiller technique, et l’équipe sera au complet pour faire de la concurence aux Monty python.


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